The deployment for My Life In Months went smoothly! We received positive feedback from users, and we received traffic from around the globe.

My Life In Months Visitors

It was very interesting learning how to poke around in Google Analytics to view the different traffic sources. We gained a large amount of traffic through our original Hacker News post, but later on, we gained an additional boost in traffic through a post that someone made on Reddit about our site.

Once My Life In Months was gaining users, it was time to begin on our next project. In order to do this, I needed to research Azure hosting, as well as CI/CD. Previously, I didn’t have the best experiences with this, as whenever I hosted an ASP.NET project, Azure would give me an error message.

However, once I started again from our blank template project, I had much better luck setting up the project. Because of the integration with Github and ASP.NET, this was very easy to deploy. I just had to point Azure to the project on Github, and it would automatically create the build scripts, as well as keep the deployment up to date with the master branch.

I’m excited to start working on heavier applications.

Ivy Jackson

iOS Developer at Apptegy, fixer of bugs, maker of features